Monday, September 02, 2024

long weekend over

 I did need some time off. Saturday was Zoom knitting, Sunday was a breakfast at church. Today I mowed the lawn and weed-whacked, and I mainly worked on this:

it's the corner to corner blanket, which is knit kind of like those square dishcloths, you just keep going until it's "big enough" or you've used about half your yarn. I am now on the decrease section (that top orange stripe - I changed to the new ball when the old one was within a few meters of running out, and that was when I began the decreases).

When it's done it will be like 6' on a side. As I said before, it's quite heavy - more heavy than warm, which is good.

It's a Mandala Bonus Bundle from Lion Brand, the color way is named "Sasquatch" (I don't know, either. It looks either like the 1970s or like the idealized colors of a Western landscape). 

I also broke the stall on reading "Blackout" and to my relief the sympathetic character I thought might have died did not (but may lose a foot? Again, I guess if you get injured on a time-travel mission you carry that injury back with you, but then again, in 2060 Oxford maybe they've really perfected prosthetics). It is pretty much a page-turner, I find that to be the case with Willis. 

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