Saturday, August 31, 2024

changing the sign

 I have one of those signs with slots in it where you can press letters into it. In the old days, I guess, this was how office buildings indicated where people's offices were. More recently they became a hipster thing that kind of percolated down to the craft-store live, laugh, love crowd

but I kind of like them.

I bought one back in late 2019. The first thing I had up (only very briefly, I took it down after about fifteen minutes and posting the photo online)

Then after that, I changed it to this line from the LOTR movies. I FELT this line. I saw it as I walked out the door every morning:

But I've changed. Or maybe the world has.. I no longer feel that my small everyday good deeds make much of a difference at all in anything (And yet, as Luther said about something else: God forgive me but I cannot do otherwise). 

So after having listened to a bunch of "unusual for me" music on YouTube, I hit on this, from Leonard Cohen's "Anthem":

I mean, I GUESS it's still hopeful in a way, but it's also an acknowledgement of the brokenness that's everywhere. I mean, I guess if you're a decent person or you try or whatever, the light does get in and maybe even shine through you but yeah, some days now everything feels broken

and the song for anyone who may be unfamiliar. Cohen did not have a beautiful voice but .... it puts the meaning and emotion into the song in a way I think a more polished-sounding singer would not)

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