Friday, August 30, 2024

new old project

 It is kind of nice to pull out a stalled project. It FEELS like starting something new without having to start something new, and if you keep decent notes you can find your way back to where you were.

I had these socks - the pattern is called Dragon's Breath - up to the heel flap. I finished that tonight but slightly ran out of steam for turning the heel.

I don't remember the maker or the color name of the yarn but it was something like either Moonchild or Moonstone. It's a favorite color combination of mine for sock yarn - either gray or black with either pastels (as here) or bright pastels. I have a couple more yarns in the stash in a similar style. 

I have a couple days off, which is good. I'm tired and feeling a little burned out (yes, already) because of a couple instances of bad behavior (in one case - someone very baldly lying, though I wasn't the one who got lied to).

Lying is one of the things that makes me angriest. Especially if it's something like "I couldn't make it to class, I didn't feel well" when in fact you were fine. Just TELL me the TRUTH: that my class is less important to you than some other thing. My feelings may be hurt being told again my life's work isn't important, but I'm hurt and angry when I'm first lied to and then I find out it's because I'm not a priority. (Okay, this may not be 100% about my teaching life....)

But anyway, it was a very long week. Teaching four different classes is no joke. And just the constant drumbeat of ugliness in our world - people lying, and saying horrible things to and about other people, and drivers flipping off other drivers who don't go far enough over the speed limit for them, and just the general unkindness of society now

I find myself wanting more little treats just to make it through.

Like today:

Iced chai tea fro the HTeaO. Which was closed most of this week for renovations (someone I know thought maybe it was actually a health-code violation, but I don't think that was it; I think they expanded their "t shirts and other merch" area which probably brings in more money than the actual tea does). I kept checking the phone app- ordering using it was so easy, but it was persistently "unavailable" despite their facebook page having claimed they would reopen on Wednesday. 

So today at lunchtime I thought "I'll drive out there and see what's up. If they're not open I could try one of the coffee places and see if they have iced teas" but they were open - I did have to walk in to order, their drive through is badly configured and when it's crowded it's hard to get in safely. I did mention to the employee - and pull out my phone and show her when she asked - about the app being broken, I hope she called Corporate or whoever controls the app to see about getting it fixed. Because it is so much easier to order before you go there and just pick it up. 

Unfortunately, it's not super close to me, I do have to go across town and some times that does feel like an effort. But then again - that means I maybe only go once a week or every 10 days....

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