Friday, August 30, 2024

hoping it's real

 I don't know The Byte well enough to know if it's legit or parody, but given all the dumb AI news (first, we were told that we were expected to find out if our students used it for assignments and give them 0s, then we were told, "well it's up to you whether they use it or not" which then means those of us who don't want it used will get "but my other professors...." complaints, and now they've said "yeah, the tool in turnitin for detecting it is flawed and generates false positives and seems prejudiced, so we're turning it off" [with an implied "good luck detecting it yourself if you've told your students you don't want them using it])

but anyway, this story fills me with delight if it's true:

AI begins "Rickrolling" clients


What if we made a plagiarism engine to render creatives redundant, so the management of companies that MIGHT produce creative works can get richer and not pay their artists, and it turned out to just be a stupid seven-year-old that pulls pranks?



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