Friday, July 12, 2024

that was today

 I decided to stay home (it was hot) and clean house (it needed it; some tasks I hadn't done, or hadn't done satisfactorily, since before I injured my knee). 

Most of the time spent cleaning for me is putting stuff away or FINDING a place to stow stuff. If I were having a new house built I would definitely arrange for a BUNCH of storage, like maybe just one long narrow-ish windowless room with shelves on all the walls, so I could just put stuff in storage tubs and stick it in there. Really storage is my biggest problem - the attic isn't that accessible and I don't have a basement. (My mom has a basement and stores a lot of stuff there; she also has a much larger garage than I do). 

I started out doing the sort of "scattered" cleaning - where I pick something up and put it away and then find something to do in the room I went in and do that and it takes a while to get things done but it feels kind of efficient. Eventually I shifted to "okay I really need to get at least one room fully done" and started on the kitchen. Including wetmopping the floor, and I did some laundry (towels, sheets, and throw rugs) while doing that. I moved to the dining room, which I admit sometimes becomes a bit of a junk room because I only need enough space to sit at the table, and a place to keep my cookbooks, but I cleared a lot of stuff out and vacuumed and wetmopped the floor (they're sealed wood so if you don't go TOO wet, it's fine). 

The family room, where I spend the most of my time, was the worst - I cleared the junk off the piano and rearranged the framed family photos, and rearranged the stuffed animals that live on the futon sofa.

They were actually what initiated my plan to clean - Monday, when I had to replace the blind, I had to move the futon sofa, and some of them fell on the floor, and just to make it easy I swept them all off and then just threw them back on there randomly when I was done (it was late, I was tired, I needed to eat and shower) and I need to both have a place to sit on the sofa and also I have a particular way I like them arranged. 

EVENTUALLY I got stuff picked up and enough furniture moved I could sweep, and then vacuum up the sweepings. Really the most annoying "mess" thing to me is the sheer amount of dust/crumbs/bits of paper/my own shed hair that wind up on the floor every day, and I am not tidy enough (and often feel I don't have time*) to sweep or use an electrostatic cloth daily

(*I probably do have time but I also resent giving up my "free time" - which is very limited some days - to do chores)

From there, I cleaned the bathroom. Well,okay - I had cleaned the surface of the vanity earlier, tidying up the stuff there and cleaning it with the Mrs. Meyers spray I use for surfaces. So I just had to vacuum and wet mop the floor, and clean the shower.

I actually wound up cleaning the shower/tub WHILE I WAS IN IT washing my hair - it was like 6 pm, I didn't feel like doing it first or waiting and doing it after. It's not the best job ever but it's better than it was. (And this is why I use low-irritant, low-toxicity cleaning supplies like Mrs. Meyers - so I can do something like that and not worry)

My knee periodically griped me all through it - it seems like if it tries to "hyperextend" (bend "backwards" so the kneecap isn't in a straight line with the rest of the leg), I would get sort of a 'pinching' pain. I suppose that's the stupid meniscus, but eventually it got better (and I took tylenol with dinner and it's much better now). I figured the cleaning was enough exercise for the day; the half of the day my phone was in my pocket (I had the BBC app on but eventually took it out and plugged the phone in to charge) I managed to rack up about 2500 steps. (It included several trips out to the trash can in that)

I made a homemade pizza for dinner and called my mom (we typically talk on Friday nights) and then after that, changed out the sheets on my bed. I used the "Treefort" shark-print sheets, which are a "microfiber" material (Polyester) and I really hope they are not too warm for our current weather but I wanted something different than the rotation of "cream or white" I had been doing.

So that was my whole day but at least the house is clean now (at last for a while).

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