Wednesday, September 06, 2023

A little better

 I got my grading done but not the research work; I can do some of that tomorrow and probably the rest on Friday.

After I got done I went home and washed my hair (having been outside for half an hour in all the pollen, and also being sweaty from the heat and I looked in the fridge and kind of groaned, and even though I need to be saving money, I decided to do my monthly carry-out pickup this week

The local barbecue place does online orders (don't have to talk to a person!) and you can pick it up at a window, so if you're not willing to crowd into a small space with people you can get your food and scram home.

(And it turns out I got lucky a couple weeks ago - I went out to lunch with a couple women from church and one of them had called me later and said "I came down with covid, I probably caught it traveling" and I worried a few days despite having no symptoms and it having been several days before she got sick. Well, I never did get covid and it's been like three weeks so I guess either it wasn't enough of an exposure or my immune system with its five shots held strong. But I'm going to be more careful from now on)

Anyway, it was good, it was what I needed then. Probably I feel better than if I had gone with my other option, canned tomato soup and cheese crackers.

(And yes, that's a LOT of food, it's 2-3 meals for me. I ate some of it and wrapped up the rest and put it in the fridge. I did eat the whole piece of Texas toast though.)

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

One of my daughter's housemates at college has COVID. My daughter does not.