Tuesday, October 08, 2019

And another poem

(Stuff is still kinda weighing on me, but writing what might not be very good poetry about it helps a little. So here's another)

Black cats

I used to dream about having a group of cats
In the dream, I was neglecting them.
I figured it was a warning from my subconscious that there
Was something I wasn’t attending to in my life.

The first of the black cats showed up late one July day.
A phone call came: “If you at all can, you should probably get up here”
Was the gist of it.
So I did.
Shortly after, the giant black Maine Coon showed up.
It would hiss at me and swat my hand with full claws
Whenever I approached it.  It drew blood and always
Caused tears.

Later, smaller cats came to join it, after I learned
Of colleagues moving on, of new duties of theirs I had to shoulder
Of upheaval in other places I held dear.
These cats did not bite or swat so much,
And yet, still needed to be considered.

The last big one arrived – scarred, and with a limp – after a friend
Fell strangely silent on social media, until the day
I learned the sad reason why. That cat was the last large one.

But several other smaller ones followed: One for a lost acquaintance;
Two kittenish ones when things unexpectedly broke; a small
Mewling one when I was given one more responsibility than I could
Graciously manage.

The cats remain; some days I must attend to them
And cannot easily accomplish the other things I would do
They sit on my chest and weigh me down, prevent me from knitting,
Steal my attention from my book.

At other times, they are so silent I can almost forget they are here.

But then they stare at me out of baleful orange eyes
And at night, sometimes, they howl.

1 comment:

Roger O Green said...

you have a gift