Monday, October 11, 2004

Well, I went home for my "Heck yes I'm going home for lunch, this is the only time before 9 pm that I will be home today" break.

after lunch (which is the only real meal I get today) I finished the Artful Yarns Cinema/Portrait scarf.

If I can get my stuff together, I'll post a picture of it tomorrow.

And then, I tried to knit some on the Hiawatha shawl. I got one row done, and three stitches from the end, realized I was a stitch off somewhere. ($*&%)@#(*%$. So I carefully picked back, counted the stitches, and I figure what happened is I did a sl 1, k2tog, psso where I should have been doing sl 1, k1, psso, because the number of stitches in the row is correct.

Normally, in other projects, I would fudge. But you can't fudge on lace and have it look good, so I ripped back.

But I didn't have the energy (or the time, really) to try the row again, so I put it aside to pick up tomorrow's video at the library and to prep for this afternoon's GIS class.

Still no word. I suspect that means either it's nothing REAL BAD, or they didn't find anything and it's on to Round 2 of tests. Thank God my dad has good health insurance - many HMOs or PPOs would be doing the "watchful waiting" thing and would tell him to come back when he's symptomatic.

I'm still holding out hope it's some silly small thing that's easily fixed.

This whole week is going to be like today, workwise. I have obligations every afternoon/evening of the week, and an all-day obligation Saturday. The good news is if I get bad news, I'll be too busy to fall apart. The bad news is, when I finally get time to relax, I'll be so wiped that I won't be able to.

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