Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's fate:

Erica A. Corbett's Dewey Decimal Section:

508 Natural history

Erica A. Corbett = 5893113582500 = 589+311+358+250+0 = 1508

500 Science

Math, astronomy, prehistoric life, plants and animals.

What it says about you:
You are fascinated by the world around you, and see it as a puzzle worth exploring. You try to understand how things work and how you can make them better. You might be a nerd.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at

See, my name, when you spell it out? The numbers numerologically fate that I am a natural historian. (Well, if I believed in numerology, that is).

Oh, and "you MIGHT be a nerd"? heh.


dragon knitter said...

apparently, i'm classical latin! great googly moogly!

Kucki68 said...

Did they let you choose? I could take one of three results, isn't that a bit strange?