I really hope I don't break my knitting spirit on this:
It's still not quite 3/4 done (there is a top and bottom, plus the light thingie that goes on the top).
You have no idea how glad I will be to be finished with this. NO IDEA. I hope my brother appreciates it. If he doesn't, I may have to take it back and find a Dr. Who fan who will.
Sick of colorwork. Sick of TARDISes. Sick of trying to remember how to spell "POLICE BOX" properly when working from the purl side of stupid stranded knitting. Sick of having to stop every 10 minutes to untangle all the different colors.
It is really impressive, though.
you can send it to me, lol!
Okay so in my boredom I wandered over here from Erika's Blog and as soon as I saw the word TARDIS in todays post my heart rate jumped and I feverishly began scrolling down the page like the crazed fangirl I am, hoping that you would be making exactly what you are making. The fact that you are making this totally made my day. it's fabulous, its amazing and it makes me giddy because I'm a geeky Doctor Who fan. It's a good thing I'm really crap at knitting or else you'd have just started me at making this and maybe a K9 to go with it :D
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