Friday, September 27, 2024

week is over

 gave an exam today, so I did add a few more rounds to the moon-moth sweater. It's still in the "boring to look at" single color stage; when I get to the colorwork I'll have to figure out something new for proctoring knitting because that's too hard to focus on when you're watching an exam. 

I graded the exam (small class: seven students, one of whom was absent, one of whom has an extra time accommodation so takes the exams over at student-support) in the couple hours between classes. And I had a 1 pm meeting, which meant once again this week I had to bring a lunch.

When we got done, I did one other tiny bit of grading (a student who had been ill needed a short extension on something)

And then I went home, around 2:30. 

I wanted to clean house. I hadn't done a deep clean* in a while, and I thought, "well, you will be more comfortable if the clutter's picked up and you have the floors vacuumed and washed" and also the kitchen was kind of bad. 

(*well, as much as I ever "deep" clean; I know some people would find it a very sloppy clean). Put lots of stuff away, vacuumed the floors, then used those wet-cloth wipes to wash down the floors. Yes, even the sealed wood ones; the cloths are not so wet and it say it's okay for finished hardwood. I've done it for years and seen no damage)

I still wasn't done by 5:30, and this is the night I facetime my mom at 7, so I figured I needed to quick eat - and it was easier to GET something, so:

 My favorite pizza place (the mom-and-pop place in town), and they use my favorite pizza box design. 

And it was just a plain cheese. ("A lovely cheese pizza, just for me") but it's that New York style so plain cheese is fine.

After that I did do a TINY bit of Halloween decorating, just the outside stuff (tomorrow I might put up the orange-and-purple lights indoors, and I have a set of orange icicle lights I might try over my front window. And I have the "critters" to put up, and the moon-phases garland).

some of this is the same as I had last year:

But one thing is new! I saw this at JoAnn's and it amused me so much I had to get it. It's on a stake you push into the soil

"No worries, dude!" hahahhahahaha

I also put out the little "fall" flag. I can leave this one up until I do the Christmas stuff

My kitchen, dining room, and living room are fully cleaned (FSVO "fully") and the bathroom is part done; I put a few things in the bedroom away but if I have energy for it tomorrow I should do more. But at least the "public" rooms are a lot nicer now. 

It's hard to keep up with when some evenings I might have an HOUR of free time - and in that maybe need to fit in some piano practice and/or PT stretches. So sometimes it gets bad and then I have to clean harder. But at least it's cleaned now. 

My knee was hurting pretty badly from all the walking and bending (to pick stuff up, to scrub the bad parts of floors). I did have to get down on my knees to scrub up a bit of black-bean juice that I didn't see had spilled and dried on the floor. I could do it, I might be sore tomorrow. I did take a couple tylenol a few minutes ago so hopefully it won't hurt overnight. Perhaps in the long run it's good for me to keep using it; maybe I build the muscles up so they compensate for the damage, at least I hope so

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