Wednesday, August 21, 2024

just some photos

 I finally started on the plain stockinette body of the sweater. I have 70-some rounds of this before I start the colorwork section:

This is about 10 rows (in addition to the ribbing)

I also rearranged the chair in my living room where "critters" live, and I don't think I ever shared this critter before:


I *thought* this was a pattern from Ravelry, but I can't find it on there. No wait: Rachel Bordello Carrol wrote it, it's there. I wonder if I bought it directly from her Yarnigans site and that's why it's not in my's probably in a folder of .pdf files on my work computer or my old computer if I did. Well, I doubt I'd make it more than once...

Her name is Octavia. I used some novelty yarn in a peach color with little pastel slubs in it. As you can see, she's fairly small.

I also found both of my Calcifers, and now I realize who Caz in "The Spellshop" very slightly reminded me of: a wisecracking character that is an "enchanted" version of something not normally sentient (or in Calcifer's case, alive: he's a fire)

I dunno. I like Calcifer and I liked him enough to purchase two slightly different versions over the years from different Etsy sellers:

It WOULD be nice to kind of have a little companion like Caz or like Calcifer to talk to or to give advice to you or at least remind you that things aren't as bad as they look (Though both Caz and Calcifer did their share of "spiralling" when things happened)

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