Friday, August 23, 2024

it's the weekend


This was a long week and while some good stuff happened, I also had the worry/effort with the air conditioner, and also the problems with the student. 

I haven't yet decided whether to go somewhere tomorrow, or whether to just grocery shop locally and then stay home and work on projects here. It's going to be very hot again and that makes going anywhere less appealing.

I did pull out one of the stalled projects and worked some more on a reversible-triangle-stitch scarf.

It's one of the Ruggles Reversible Scarf patterns, one that goes back to the very early days of the revival of knitting, back in the late 90s. I like the patterns because they remind me of the early days of knitting, when it seemed exciting and lots of people were either picking it back up or learning it new.

I'm afraid now we may be on the downslope again; every day I hear of stores closing down, ,and it does seem fewer people knit.

And I get it. It can be an expensive hobby AND ALSO few people have time any more, a lot of us work crazy long hours. I know I knit less than I once did; I think maybe everything in 2020/2021 made me question some stuff and question the "point" of making tons of stuff - especially in a warming world where I will increasingly NOT be able to wear them. 

And perhaps this marl/variegated yarn was not the best choice. I LIKE these color changing yarn cakes (and have quite a few in my stash, of different colors) It doesn't show the knit pattern as well as a solid color would. 

I also grabbed this photo running out the door this morning. I am not sure what species it is but it's kind of neat what moths and butterflies seem to show up here. This one was maybe an inch and a half long, so a pretty big moth

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