Wednesday, July 17, 2024

two quick pictures

 I finished Chalcedony late this evening. It's a little tight, especially the sleeves. It will probably work better over short-sleeved things than over anything very thick.

I'll probably also have to block it fairly aggressively, that might help with the sleeve width. Also, the front bands want to contract, and make it shorter.

Here's a little more detail:

I can't remember if it took 2 full and most of 1 skein, or 1 full and most of a second skein. (I can't believe it could take that little; each skein is under 500 yards. It must have been 2 and part of a third - so maybe 1400 yards). But I do have a full skein and maybe a couple hundred yards from another left over; enough for a small scarf I guess.

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