Thursday, June 06, 2024

And back home

 For real, this time. 

So, let's see: I left off Monday late afternoon. The inspector never came but I didn't expect them to because it was pouring all afternoon and evening 

(I have not been out to the field site but I suspect it's flooded; when I run out in a bit I will decide if I feel up to making a very-out-of-my-way side trip there to see)

So Tuesday. I decided not to gamble on getting power back so I kept the motel room one more night; the insurance agent said they'd most likely pay for it even though the power was technically back on, I didn't know until it was too late to cancel and check out. 

Went over to campus because in all this, I deliver another sermon Sunday and needed to write on that. I called the city once they opened and talked to the inspector; he said "yeah you should be able to call OG and E by 11 am" but I never trust those things and I had been told that someone would call when the inspection was done. 

No one called, so a bit after 11, I ran over there. Yeah, there was a green tag on the electric box, meaning it passed.

At that point I was STARVING. I had eaten early and not a great breakfast - one of those "make in the tilty press" waffles that some motels do as their "hot" part of the "free hot breakfast" and it didn't stick with me, and I didn't want to deal with O G and E's phone tree without food. 

So I ran to Jimmy's Egg and realized something:

As of the end of February, I now qualify to order off this menu.

I am not sure how I feel about this. (I ordered a three egg omelet off the regular menu, because I wanted both toast and a small salad. In retrospect it was too much food, I left one of the pieces of toast and a bit of the omelet, but I ate most of it). I also wound up drinking two "regular" Cokes (they kind of just keep bringing refills, and I was headachy and low-sugar-y when the waitress asked what I wanted to drink so I just reflexively said "Coke" instead of either water or 2% milk)

Then, back in my car, I tried calling O G and E. 

Their service is good, their phone tree is kind of a nightmare. FINALLY after going through several iterations AND having a call drop (and having been told "no what you have is new construction, you have to talk to them") I gave up and drove home. Finally got someone, and she said "Ma'am, my work order shows that the line has been restrung" and I said "no I can tell you it hasn....." and as I was saying that I walked into my backyard and yeah, it had. I apologized profusely, and said "either I didn't look up when I was here before, or it happened while I was at lunch" and rang off

So I figured: NOW I have power

Went in, flipped a switch. Nothing.

Okay, fine, cool, cool, maybe they hit the disconnect switch on the breaker box. Checked the breaker box, flipped the switch on and off. 

Nope. nothing.

I started to panic. I was so tired, this had been such a long and upsetting thing, I still had stuff I had to do (get cable/internet restored, get my garage fixed and at that point I had not even seen the damage), get the rest of the tree taken down on my own dime, get rid of the spoiled food in the freezer and fridge.

I assumed it meant either the breaker box needed replacing, or the whole dang house needed to be rewired (because I was literally thinking of the "new wine in old skins" line from the Bible).

Called the electrician, kind of freaking out. He told me, "Just hang on, this might be something simple, I'll send my assistant."

Assistant got out of his truck and when he realized what house it was, he smacked his forehead and said "I'm sorry, I forgot to show you."

I had never lived somewhere with an external disconnect switch; that was what that second box was. He opened it up and showed me, and yeah, the switch was off. He flipped it on and said "now go try a light switch"

And yes, that was it. I thanked him and he did apologize to me again (but I get it! It was starting to pour as he finished up and also he probably mostly works newer construction where people are used to that kind of external disconnect but I had never had to deal with one before). 

Yesterday the main thing was getting the cable restored, and again, the guy had to do some upgrades (he also said he had to sit with his truck in the alley a while - a couple* was fighting and apparently he wanted to monitor it (implying he is a mandated reporter, like I am) and he said he also wanted to keep an eye on all the equipment because "stuff's been stolen before in cases like that." But he got it done:

(*and sadly yes, I know exactly which house he's talking about and when I finally get around to replacing that back fence it will be with a 6' tall privacy fence because of them, it wigs me out to be doing yardwork back there and see them yelling at each other)


And proof it works (I switched the tv on the moment the light on the cable box went steady)

He did have to come in and check the modem speed for me.

In a bit I am running down to the ISP to check to be sure there is no charge for this - he didn't have me sign anything or give me a bill and I DO NOT WANT it to just show up on my next cable bill; I will get a receipt if there is a charge because my insurer will pay for it.

the guy did also show me that the cable would need replacement soon anyway because squirrels have been chewing on it. Why do they do that? I don't know but once before I had to have work done because of a squirrel. 

Today, A T and T is putting the landline box (which got knocked down) back up. Yeah, I keep a landline, I treat it as an insurance policy because my phone doesn't work great when there's no wifi in the house.

The last big thing is getting the roofer out, this will be a big job as a rafter DOES have a crack in it and while he can maybe buddy-join to it, he'll have to straighten things out. But I'm calling him tomorrow. 

I did also get the front yard mowed today and later on if it starts to cool down I might start cutting back a lot of the brush that has grown up....


Purlewe said...

So much work!! You've done so many things tho to get yourself home.. so glad things are working out.

Anonymous said...

Phew, I’m exhausted for you! But glad it’s almost sorted. — Grace in MA

Roger Owen Green said...

I am exhausted from reading your several travails!

BTW, I have leaned into whatever discounts getting old has gleaned for me.