Wednesday, May 08, 2024

ready to go

 I've double-checked my list and I have everything on it. 

I do need to quick run the vacuum over the floors before I leave; I think other than unplugging a few energy hogs that's all I need to do. My train is currently on time but there's several hours between where it is and where I get on it at this point. 

I've got a COUPLE embargoed posts and might do an occasional SHORT post (I do not like typing on my phone and generate many errors because of autocorrect) while I'm gone.

anyway, have a piece of music I randomly ran across and love greatly (and also made me realize how you could dress if you were a woman in a ska band - no, scratch that, ska ORCHESTRA)

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Linking to this! I LOVED Get Smart.