Tuesday, May 28, 2024

And still waiting.

 It’s maddeningly hard to find information about Amtrak “short term” (I HOPE) train cancellations. The tracking site at Dixieland Software has given the best information. The official site doesn’t even mention the disruption and just shows “estimated times of arrival.” I even joined the Reddit Amtrak community; one person on there posted about being stuck in St Louis and there are no rental cars. No one on the Amtrak discussion board knows anything. For that matter, AMTRAK may not know anything at this point.

Not that I’d rent a car in St Louis: too far to drive in unfamiliar territory, especially arriving at night. If it came to that, I would take the earliest possible Illinois Service train there is so as to have drive time in daylight.

No, Greyhound is not an option; it doesn’t run to where my car is AND the last time I rode it (just from Dallas to my home) I had a bad experience and given how much worse the average human seems to be now…

I was supposed to fill in for the vacationing pastor on Sunday; I called the secretary today to apologize and explain. She was very upbeat and told me not to worry, I could text her as soon as I know (which would be Thursday at the latest) and if I can’t make it, they’ll figure something out.

So I am trying not to worry and telling myself that my absence not being a world ending thing, that means Thursdays train WILL run as scheduled.

I’m glad I brought more than just one project. 

I am worried about how bad my lawn will be..,

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

around here, someone has goats for hire to eat up what would otherwise be grass hard to get to and which might burn when it's dry in the summer