Friday, April 05, 2024

Busy day time

 * went in to meet with a student needing to make up an exam. This was someone who had been a bit of a pill in the past (athlete who acted entitled) but I wonder if their coach had a talk with them because they've been a lot more appropriate recently. So that's done

* I also got all the accumulated grading (labs, a set of exams, a late paper or two) graded and the the grades entered into the LMS

* And then, the biggest thing: After lunch I made the last edits on the manuscript. The map isn't *great* but I figured out how to grab the file and turn it into a .pdf, and from there, a .jpg, and insert it into the paper. 

And I checked it over again, and cross-checked with the suggestions. And then sent it off.

Godspeed, little manuscript.

(though it sounds like this "revise and resubmit" was really "do these revisions and we'll publish it" and not a "rewrite it and we might consider it again." This is a small and very niche journal and I think some years they don't get enough submissions)

It'll be really good to have another paper out.

* I came home and managed 20 minutes on the cross-country skiier. Point of comparison: before I was injured I was doing 30 minutes most days (probably could have done 45, but that would have meant getting up even earlier than I had been). So I'm getting there. I did the PT stretches after (part of the reason for the cross country skiier is to warm up the muscles do I don't hurt myself stretching. 

 I felt good right after it, now I'm hurting just a little (after icing the knee and now I have a heating pad on it.

At least I don't have to do anything tomorrow. I don't know whether to work more on the Moominhouse (if sitting on the chair in my sewing room isn't too low of a chair) or knit or what. Sometime I do need to get back to working on quilt tops but the Moominhouse build is currently occupying my cutting table and I don't really have another place to set up to work on it. 

If i were throwing money around I'd consider buying a small folding table for that. But I'd also consider buying one of those battery-powered rechargeable lawnmowers - I think maybe it's time to get something a bit easier to push than the reel type one, and I really don't like having to mess with gas and oil and all that. 

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