Tuesday, September 19, 2023

getting things done

 I got my prepwork for tomorrow done, including getting soil for the invertebrates lab. And I got about a quarter of the second sample of bags searched through. 

And then I ran out at the end of the day, first to the local bookstore (which specializes in used books). I was looking for my niece's birthday present.

I did also wind up finding a book I wanted for myself - a used copy of The Little Wartime Library, which I had been wanting to read (and had on my Amazon wishlist, but now removed it so there's no chance of getting a duplicate). 

I bought her a book on horsemanship. It might be a *little* young for her, but it seemed to have a lot of information in it (and it focuses mainly on English riding; I don't know for sure if she prefers English or Western style). And I bought a copy of All Creatures Great and Small. I don't know for sure if she's read it but I don't think my brother ever read it, so maybe he might not have thought of it. (I first read it at about 11 and yes, I know there's talk of artificial insemination in there but she knows all about that from 4-H and some of the other farm-related experiences she's had, so there won't be anything too racy)

I decided I wanted something more so I ran out to one of the western shops. They didn't have the *ideal* t-shirt, but they had one I think is good enough - it was a woman's small (she's 11 but is tall for her age, and she can always wear it over a thermal shirt in the winter if it's too large now)

It's a map of the US (except for Hawaii and Alaska) with different colorful "landmark" things on it. They didn't have a lot of shirts I liked - the next-best option was a black shirt that said "Take me home, Country Roads" in a script on it,, and she lives within a short drive of West Virginia, but I don't know if she knows the song or not. So I went with this. 

Some of the other shirts were very expensive (over $40 for a t-shirt?) and were not color combinations I think she would like.

At any rate, I now have her gift ready; just have to find a card and I can package it up and send it. 

Then I came home and worked on the quilt. This is the old Cheese and Crackers top I finished sewing ages ago and had the quilt shop here quilt for me like last year, but I'm just now getting around to putting the binding on


Tomorrow is a long day - three lectures and a lab. And I need to remember that I have a pound cake mix I need to make up, and get some fruit - there's a grief-recovery group that meets at my church and they ask for people to provide snacks each week. It's a small group so fruit and a small cake will be enough, I think. I can take it down Thursday morning before I go in for class, or, failing that, Thursday afternoon (it's a Thursday night meeting)

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