Thursday, February 09, 2023

Thursday evening things

 * I HURT yesterday. I don't know if PT gets harder the longer you do it, or if that "cold" I had wasn't just a cold and I wasn't fully over it. Or maybe my electolytes got messed up? I was briefly afraid at work I'd not be able to get home - I had a terrible cramp in the back of one thigh when I tried to get up to my desk. Fortunately it resolved. After I got home I drank a Gatorade I had - I know it's not great for you but having the cramps was worse. I feel some better today, so I don't know. (I try to eat a low salt diet otherwise, maybe I"m limiting salt too much?)

* Sort of sad this evening - one of the people from Ravelry who joined in occasionally on the biweekly Zoom get-togethers passed away earlier this month. She hadn't been on in some months and I had wondered if she was unwell.

Also found out that Quixotic Fibers is having to go (only temporarily, I hope) to Saturday and Sunday only hours - one of their good employees had to leave. The sad thing? I was actually contemplating, before I got that e-mail, of trying to go down there Friday afternoon before my birthday but I guess I go on Saturday instead now. This is literally the only "real" yarn shop within a reasonable drive of me so I don't want to lose them.

I am tired of the thousand little shocks that seem to come every week now.

* Just sort of flat and tired. There's extra stuff happening right now - it's post-tenure review season so I'm involved with a couple of those, and I have to evaluate a couple job applicants, and I have a lot of grading. I never feel like there's enough time to relax once I get home, and like I never get *quite* enough sleep. (I might be able to bear the thousand little shocks if I did)

* Swapping out between the various projects. I did get some done on the ribbing for Chalcedony during the exams I gave this week. I do need to get back to the gift-project; the recipient is away from home at the moment but will be back the end of this month.

* I guess one good thing is I didn't break my dvd player - clumsily, the other morning, I bumped into it and knocked it of the table where it's set up and I thought maybe I'd broken the insides of it but it seems okay? Which is good, because I ordered "Knives Out" (I know the memes, have never seen it) and "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once" (it's almost cheaper at this point to buy a dvd than to pay for streaming). I've been forewarned that EEAAO is a movie you need to watch at a time when it's OK to cry - I'll probably watch "Knives Out" first as it's more of a comedy and I think I need that right now. 

* Still reading on Hound of the Baskervilles. It's funny how what was essentially the bestseller potboiler (the stories were serialized in magazines) of its day is surprisingly good and enjoyable, and how enduring the character of Holmes has been. But yes, I do enjoy the stories and the characters. I've read a couple of the longer pieces and some of the short stories in the omnibus I have.

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