Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Linen-stitch sweater

 I got a bit farther on it; finished the short-rows to shape the neckline and started on the regular knitting-around (with an increase round every four rounds)

I'm still not sure how I feel about the colors, but that's Noro for you - it's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. Hopefully it will all blend out once I get more done.


Really sore this evening after PT. The conclusion was that the weirdness with my food is a muscle cramping and I just have to give it time. I did buy a bottle of magnesium supplements (citrate? I think it was) and took one; I know magnesium can help with muscle issues, and I'm trying to drink more water to see if I can keep from hurting. 

I also wonder if the exceptional tightness of my hamstrings and some other muscles, to the point where the PT therapist has a hard time getting me to bend far enough, is stress - if just, these past few years of so many deaths and then the worry of the pandemic/staring into the abyss for three years because I had little else to look at - has just made me sort of seize up and lock up and I don't know really how to fix that other than more PT. (I am not sure I am comfortable with the idea of massage, and I doubt my insurance would pay for it anyway)

I'm going to try a warm bath with epsom salts - the first in over a year (I quit back in January last year when I thought I had a UTI, because I know baths can sometimes contribute, but now I think the things I thought was a UTI was just muscles cramping up and feeling wrong? which again suggests my stress theory, as I'd never noticed that problem before last year)

I just wish I could flush all the badness of the past couple years away - maybe I wouldn't be tight and sore if I could do that. And also flush it out of my brain so I DIDN'T do things like abyss-gazing late in the evening. I don't know. I'm not sure how to "fix" myself; I feel like more friendly socialization and more fun and the like would do it but I don't know how to GET that in my life, there aren't really existing groups here that do the fun things I like to do, and the thought of starting one - where I'd wind up doing most of the work - well, I'd rather remain tight and stiff and "blocked" like I am now than take on another task and have another situation where "making new friends" might fail for me.

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