Tuesday, November 01, 2022

November first, 2022

 This is what I think about on the first day of November

(And yes, it has to be the Sine Nomine hymn-tune. There is another one sometimes used, but this is the one I KNOW and the one I associate with All Saint's Days at the various churches I have been in down through the years). 

And yes, reflecting a bit on the people who have gone before. Trying to feel more grateful for having known them and for their good influences on me rather than wistful or sad they're gone. 

But also, a quotation from "Literally Chad" on Twitter:

"CS Lewis said somewhere that it isn’t just that his friend died, it’s that the part of him that only his friend could bring out would never be brought out again."

And yes, that is also true. And sometimes when you lose someone, you realize that memories that you and they shared - and that the two of you alone shared - now only belong to you, and I think there is something a little sad about that.

I do think though it's good to pause and remember. And I do think the encroachment of night (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) now brings this out in a lot of people. (We change the clocks next week. Even if I'm not wild about it getting dark earlier in the afternoon, I will very much welcome it being lighter earlier; somehow darkness in the morning is harder for me to take than early darkness in the evening). 


Then again, people have been joking about another song awakening from its slumber today:

Yes, yes, I know. She joked about it on Twitter though (transforming from a Wicked Witch to the santa-suit clad woman) and I can appreciate that she seems to have some humor about it (Despite the weird dustup of her apparently doing some kind of weird word-copyright shenanigans which might as much have been for publicity as anything).

But yes, really: Thanksgiving has to come first, Advent has to come first. But sometimes a small dose of Christmas helps.



Yes, very much, and RIP Ms. Lansbury, you were wonderful in SO many things.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Nope, Mariah is not the queen of Christmas. Darlene Love is. And yes, it's too damn early to care!