Sunday, June 19, 2022

mostly a "work"end

 Not schoolwork, though.

Saturday morning I got up, dressed, and mowed the front yard. I didn't do the back because doing the whole yard wipes me out and I had other tasks.

I wanted to continue de-brushing the house.

I got the entire front done, and done WELL:

I joked on Twitter: "ah yes, this will earn me a good grade in 'seeming like a responsible adult homeowner' from the contractor, which is a perfectly normal thing to want"

I also did a little on the north side - around the corner there where the dining room is. Put in a total of a bit over two hours, including the mowing. 

I was pretty wiped out after that so I mainly just did piano practice and worked on the sleeve of the sweater the rest of the day. 

Today, after church, I went out back and cleared out the rest of the small back garden under the sewing room windows, and got a lot more done next to my bedroom. It's not DONE done, and there's more I could clear up over by the garage, but about an hour in I hit the point where my body refused to do more (heat index was around 100) so I came in and showered.

I am assuming they won't be ready to start tomorrow so I might be able to come home tomorrow evening and finish the rest, but I really need to work on my manuscript too. Though also I have more boxes to pack/get out to the storage unit next week, too.

Right now, I'm playing with the idea of putting comfortable "indoor" clothes on and maybe thinking about sewing together the quilt blocks for that "smol" quilt I am working on. Though I also need to change the sheets on the bed.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

good citizen (or more correctly, Not a BAD citizen who would otherwise get written up on the SeeClickFix