Wednesday, June 01, 2022

And fixing stuff

 My car is out at the glass place; the receptionist there said "oh yeah, we just went ahead and ordered a windshield for you" when I commented that I knew the ding was too big to be epoxied, so I am HOPEFUL given that they want the car there all day, that they're replacing the windshield and not just assessing it. That means I wouldn't need another ride back from there and out. Because on Tuesday, depending on how this goes, I have to take my car out to the dealership for a recall repair (air bags, this is the ongoing air bag issue that SHOULD have been a scandal in the company that sent out the defective ones).

I vacuumed inside the washer cabinet. I also found a changeable tip for a screwdriver on the floor and I suspect it belongs to the repair guy, so I set it with the screws from the front panel to give back to him when he comes back out.

I also want to clean the dining room and possibly part of the living room today. And sort more books. And finish boxing up the stuff in my storage closet because there are some repairs I'd like done in there. 

But I had another repair job :(

Either while I was gone, this sheet drooped out of the laundry basket and the roving mouse chewed on it (possible), or it got snagged as I was dragging it around when I discovered the drain hose leak (wet cotton is weaker than dry), or there was something sharp on the door/opening of the washer at the church that snagged it because last night, as I was getting in bed, I noticed a couple little holes.

This is one of my favorite sheet sets, both for the pattern and because the elastics on the fitted sheet are such it's easier to put on, so I decided rather than just pitching it after this use, I'd try to fix it.

It's kind of "kintsugi" in a way (I should have used gold thread, really, but I didn't have any and metallic thread is scratchy anyway) but it's fixed. I put a patch of coordinating scrap fabric on the back of the sheet, and then used a zigzag stitch to cover the raw edges so they won't fray further

It's not elegant but it's secure and I'm the only one who sees my sheets anyway. 

I'll be glad when stuff quits breaking. I have a call into the roof place, they are going to call me to set up an appointment to get an estimate. And I admit now I worry - what if I get the roof replaced, spend all that money, and one of the other repair people finds something that makes the house absolutely unliveable and unfixable and I have to just move out after sinking multiple thousands into a roof? But I'm trying to ignore that worry or it will paralyze me from doing anything. And house prices are bad enough here that probably almost ANYTHING would be cheaper to repair right now than buying a new house would - I know a colleague was looking for houses and said that there were $70,000 houses that were small and in bad neighborhoods and had major problems, and then there were nicer places but they were all well above $120,000 (about twice what I make in a whole year) and they also sold nearly immediately for full I am staying put for at least a while. 

The only other real option would be an apartment, and given what the complexes here are like (loud, no parking, small apartments) I couldn't do that again. 

I know though if I do get the repairs sorted I will feel better about the whole house, and more satisfied with it. ESPECIALLY if I de-accession a lot of the unloved books and yarn and fabric and have more space.

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