Thursday, June 02, 2022

a little knitting

 Back in the before-times, when I would get busy and go a few days without talking about knitting, I would sometimes comment, "I do still knit."

Well, I do. Not as much as before, and right now, a lot of my time and energy is going to boxing stuff up in the hopes of having some home renovation done. But I do have a couple projects going. (I should post the two things - the two things I kept; I already showed the socks I gave my mom for her birthday).

These are socks I started towards the end of my break. The pattern is called Dragon Breath Socks, it is by Jen Schripsema. I'm knitting them out of a hand dyed yarn from Creative Space Fiber Arts. The colorway is called "Stay Wild, Moonchild" so I presume it's either an outer-space or hippie (or both?) theme.

It pools kind of nicely

It's a little hard to show the lace pattern. The pattern author describes it as "not old fashioned" - it's more geometric. There is a tricky "jog" halfway through where you have to move a couple stitches one direction and then back the other at the end of the pattern. 

Here's the other side

The grey rows seem to alternate, and the pastel rainbow kind of spirals around. Here you can see the cake so you can see what the yarn looks like not knit up

Other than that, most of the day was errands I didn't get to (because I didn't have a car) yesterday. (Yes, they got the windshield done yesterday. The only problem for now is I have to drive with a window open because the sealant/epoxy they used is super stinky and it makes me feel ill to smell it, and I also suspect it's not a good idea to breathe it in too much. I hope it dissipates in a few days.

I got to the bank, and sent off a couple items I wanted to mail out and also pick up some mail that had gone missing - I knew I was expecting a package that was "held at post office" and it was not in my accumulated mail. This was something that had a VERY hard time getting to me - I ordered it from the then-Etsy seller (she has since moved to her own website - Baniai Kitsune). 

The first package got lost in the mail (I saw it disappear into the ether after it made it to Chattanooga, a few stops after the seller's home post office). I put a track on it, she put a track on it, they couldn't find it. So, she made up another one and sent it out to me, it came while I was gone and was held at the post office and SHOULD have been handed to me Tuesday when I picked up my mail. But it was just as well it didn't, because when I went and asked for it, it turned out one of my quilting magazines AND a couple of small bills (unpaid insurance liability for the appointments about my last I-thought-it-was-a-UTI).

Anyway, it's finally here: a small pillow of "happy Calcifer" from "Howl's Moving Castle" (Calcifer is my favorite character in the movie, I suspect Billy Crystal's voice acting in the English dub is part of that for me). But wow, it took him a while to get to me, through no fault of the seller, I hasten to add: this one is totally on the USPS:

it'll be funny if the OG Calcifer she sent out ever shows up. (I paid the postage for the replacement, I suppose if the other one DOES show the ethical thing is to offer to pay her for both, even if she refused payment)

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