Wednesday, March 09, 2022

one small update

 For whatever it's worth.

Apparently my Doki Doki subscription status got messed up when they migrated to a new webpage; they told me to reactivate my account on it (thank goodness I remembered my password) and then my subscription was there.

But I haven't received February's crate yet, and I suspect - from the contents shown - I never received December's. Stuff gets lost more readily now because of shipping. (I'm hoping MAYBE the December crate will still show up? As will the February one?)

But it is sad and frustrating and I'm tired of so many things large and small being terrible and I'm maybe beginning to wonder if this summer, if things aren't better, I bite the bullet and try YET ANOTHER medication because I can't decide if it's me being depressed or the world being depressing and I admit I want to scream at the world "I DON'T NEED MEDICATION; YOU JUST NEED TO SUCK LESS" but I suspect the world won't start sucking less so maybe I need to chemically make myself care about it less? I don't know. 

I'm still hoping the increased Vitamin D will do something but it's been more than six weeks and I'm not noticing a lot of benefit.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

"You need to suck less."

Unfortunately, WE need to make it suck less, and we feel pretty hopeless about that. I feel your pain.