Thursday, January 27, 2022

One good thing

 Incredibly busy day, and another missed communication leading to a mess-up in lab (I think we've all forgotten how to stay in touch with everyone, and there's a bit of Let George Do It going on, and I don't REALLY mind doing more stuff but I need to KNOW if I'm supposed to do it or not....)

But at least I came back with a negative COVID test - I needed it doubly because it turned out I had a student last week in one lecture who showed up without a mask and turned out to be positive, and they sat on the front row. And of course the exposure at the urgent care.

So I guess despite the low-level exposures I've been having, the vaccine and the mask I wear have thus far held firm to protect me. Oh, I'm not going to do anything nuts - or even something many people are doing like eating INSIDE restaurants - but at least this means I can probably make a wal-mart run early Saturday without worrying (here's hoping they have everything I want in stock so I don't have to try going somewhere else)

Still, the testing (this was a rapid nasal-swab test; the PCR one is worse but this one is bad enough) is unpleasant enough I wouldn't want to have to do it every week. And you know? One thing that's struck me in this if you're someone trying to be extra responsible, you are kind of just regularly uncomfortable and discomfited - the swab testing, and wearing a mask (I started with a cough in lab, before I got tested, and thought "aha, here I go: it's COVID and I'll be positive" but I think it's just it's SO dry here, and breathing through a mask dries the air you're pulling in more).

The downside to being negative? I have no excuse not to go to the dental checkup I have tomorrow, and I think this is the one where they do the scaling, which is always unpleasant.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

good luck at the dentist!