Tuesday, November 09, 2021

it's partly done

 the really important part to me, at least. The shower works again. The plumber was able to do it with minimal destruction and he put everything back well enough.

the opossum is, as far as I know, still there.

I taught my one class of the day - a review for Thursday's exam - over Zoom. Now I have to go get stinky cat food and I think I'm going to pick up some kind of food for myself (that I don't need to fix) for lunch. And then I'm gonna put everything I can back in its place. I am bailing on the pastor-parish committee meeting tonight; I don't *absolutely* need to be there, and I am tired out and headachy and I want to wash my hair the PROPER way (which I have not been able to do in a week) and then just put my feet up and relax. (We have a big front coming in, that may be why I'm headachy)

I did find some kids' books (A Richard Scarry ABC, the Frog and Toad books, and Little Bear) that I bought AGES ago for a gift I never gave (the year stamp on the receipt in the bag is 2005, so long before my niece; probably for a baby shower that either I wound up not going to, or, more likely, I forgot the books and got some other gift). I'm going to ask around and see who could use donated new children's books; I am sure there's some place.

I also want to sort my clothes as I hang them back up, there are a number of things I just am ready to get rid of and I might box them up and do a Goodwill run later this week - everything is in good condition (one or two things I don't think I ever even wore - I know I have a dress I mail ordered that was too tight in the armsceye and for some reason they just refunded me but didn't want it back)

And I need a little time to relax. I have three meetings tomorrow.

Also, this weekend, heck it, I'm putting up the Christmas stuff. It's too early, but next weekend I'll already be on the way for Thanksgiving and after that I'm not back all that long before I leave again for Christmas....

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