Thursday, February 18, 2021

And tomorrow's Friday

 * Seriously, I have to remind myself. Big feelings of earlier in the pandemic (over the summer) when I didn't know what day it was and wasn't going anywhere or doing anything.

* I got all the material videoed that I wanted to do today, so tomorrow will be for stats reading. I'm glad; I find it really hard to keep up the energy for teaching doing it all alone in my living room, and as I said, it gives me flashbacks to spring 2020, when we were having to do it that way. It's a weird feeling of having regressed even if I look at the numbers and they are going back down, and of course, I have had my first vaccine

* And I remain amazed at how lucky/blessed I was to get it. Especially now after I read that not only does the Pfizer vaccine (which I got) shut down the likelihood of getting sick (and even more: of getting seriously ill, even if you do get sick) AND it seems to reduce transmission, which means eventually we will get out of this to the point where we'll be able to go out in public without a mask (without feeling like a heel, which I would, because there's a slim chance I could still transmit) and travel and go to restaurants and everything.

* I don't know if I'll be able to get out to the grocery tomorrow; it won't be above freezing before midafternoon and also I suspect the groceries will be SLAMMED. The small one near me (Green Spray) had up on their Facebook page that they were fairly well stocked (showing a fairly full milk case and yogurt case) and I really would like to get more milk (I have a half gallon unopened in the back of the fridge, and I have the UHT milk that's a little out of date but still safe (except the fat - it is 2%, all I could get in the emergency-times back in May or so - has separated out into globs that make an unappealing texture in tea or oatmeal).

Certainly by Saturday I should be able to get out? I need some kind of fresh fruit or vegetable, and I would like some different things. And also just to be out of the house.

I went out and pushed a little snow around but will definitely have to wear the yak trax if I go out tomorrow; the snow has begun to melt and get icy, and I have no ice melter. I do have a really old bag of clay-type kitty litter that I bought years ago in a previous snow event, and I dumped a bunch on my porch for traction. 

* I have a couple packages on the way - something I pre-ordered AGES ago when the artist was first planning the item, something from my mom (a birthday present), and now, today, something from Portland. It is *possible* it's a skein of yarn I ordered from a dyer I know through Ravelry - I think that's where she lives - but I suppose it could also be a surprise.

I am very much hoping for some kind of nice surprise for my birthday next week. Yes, I know, I shouldn't be greedy, I got the COVID vaccine, and I said that (and also, my mom being able to get it) was all I wanted, but....some kind of small surprise in the form of a card or a tiny present would be nice too. 

I do still plan to take a trip out, it looks like the weather should be fine, and based on everything I've read, I should have really pretty good immunity, so I will feel even better about doing it (and will still mask, because we are asked to)

* I hope as things slowly open back up I can have more nice surprises and good experiences; I have really missed a lot of things in this past year. Even super simple things like going into a restaurant and getting food.

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