Wednesday, February 17, 2021

and more adventures

 We're under a boil order, apparently there were a couple water main breaks.

I was suspicious when I went to wash out the pot I made dinner in and found the water pressure was low, about fifteen minutes later I got the text that we were under a "precautionary boil order" - apparently only very sensitive groups must boil the water, but still, gross. I keep a small stock of bottled water on hand for emergencies such as this (which is why I side eye the "bottled water is evil!" people - for emergencies it's a lot easier than boiling, and if you don't have power you CAN'T boil water) and I also have most of a teakettle full of water I boiled earlier when I made tea at lunch, so I was able to brush my teeth, and I washed my hair this morning before all this mishegoss started. 

Hopefully it will get warmer tomorrow. Classes are cancelled through Friday because a lot of students don't have power or water so I don't have to go in to campus. I'm hoping Friday to get out to the grocery (and I hope they've been able to get some deliveries though I am not expecting too much).

I am ready for this to be done. I like some winter weather but this is a bit much - too cold, too much snow, and for too long. 

The good news is next week is going to be back to normal temperatures and it looks like my trip to Sherman should be a go, because the weather should be good. One thing I want to do is get some Minky fabric - I have been wanting to make a Minky toy for a while, and I found a pattern for a seal in one of my books that should scale up nicely and which is a fairly simple pattern. (And ooh, maybe I have some of the right size of lock-washer "Suncatcher" eyes - these are a fancy handpainted brand that are nicer than the standard. Or failing that I can do my plain old felt-applique). 

I've been videoing myself lecturing (over Zoom) here at home and I admit it gives me big April 2020 flashbacks and I don't like that. I remember teaching totally remote last spring, I'd record lectures in 15 minute chunks (mindful that the students then weren't prepared, and some only had phones to watch on, or had slow connections) and then I'd stop and sit for a while (often checking the news, which I probably should not have done so regularly) and then go back to it. And it was just exhausting. It's tiring now. Not quite as stressful and I'm not quite as freaked out but I would NEVER want to teach from home if I didn't have to.

I have a little more to do tomorrow but....I had to take a little time this afternoon and go sew to soothe myself a little bit. And in a minute I should change the bedsheets (fortunately did a load of sheets this morning, before they asked us to limit water use)

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