Saturday, June 22, 2019

New old dresses

Not for me. For some of my Barbie dolls.

Once in a while I look around on Etsy for vintage doll clothes, and if I find something I like and that is reasonable, I buy it. I greatly prefer the homemade ones - they're more interesting to me and are often more reasonably priced.

The latest lot came just now Two dresses, a VERY 1970s jumpsuit (which will not be shown; I don't particularly care for it for any of my dolls and I bought the lot for the dresses anyway).

First dress, on Gabby. Super cute full skirted prairie style dress:

The second is a sundress. I put it on Sam, but it's a little big on her, so I'm wondering if it might work better on one of my Curvy Barbies (either Cinnamon, who you've seen before, or Ginger - who is very pale-skinned and has slightly strawberry blond hair.) The color would probably work better on Ginger:

Edited to add: yes, it suits Ginger better - better color for her and it's not so loose on her:

1 comment:

Lynn said...

One of my biggest regrets is that I gave up all my Barbie dolls and especially the clothes my mom made for them. At one point I decided, "I have boys and I'm not going to have any more children so I don't need these." But I did need them. I needed them for me. :-(