Monday, December 10, 2018

that was weird

 ETA: Barn Owl, if you want it, my leftover Camelino is yours. If I get the bands done on Augusta this week I'll package it up and send it out when I arrange to have my mail held at the end of this week - always nice to be able to "batch" trips. (I assume your mailing address for your card is the best address?). I am assuming it will either be eight or nine balls, depending on how much the bands take - I will save back the partial ball in case I ever need to do repairs, but I don't need all those full balls and would like to see them go to good use.

Some of you, if you checked earlier, may have seen what I described as a "time-embargoed post." I wrote that yesterday for Tuesday the 18th and I guess I clicked on the wrong day to save it to.

Anyway, I moved it to the right place. (No, I am not on the road now! I have four exams to give this week and a graduation to attend!)

Cleaning my office today. I have five copier boxes full of old student work to be shredded. The deal is here, if we don't hand stuff back (or if students don't show to collect it, which is how I inherit a lot of random papers), we're supposed to hang on to it for a calendar year in case the student grieves their grade.

(I have never had a grade-grievance. I had one case of a "Will you let this WF revert to a W" for someone who literally never showed, so I had nothing to grade him on. I was kinda sorta "it was his responsibility to drop unless there were serious mitigating factors but eh, not the hill I'm gonna die on" and I think I actually said something similar in the e-mail to the admin who asked. I had someone *threaten* to grieve their grade, or rather, to bring up evidence of "other students cheating" as a sort of blackmail if I didn't raise his project grade from the low C it earned. I felt kind of sick about it but told the student "If you have evidence of cheating it is your obligation to come forward to me or my chair without expecting quid pro quo." This was a student with a stated goal of getting into and going to law school (!) and I ALMOST said, "This is Ethics 101, this is something you will need to know as a baby lawyer" but I decided that was going too far.

I worried about it for weeks. Nothing came of it. Then, a semester later? Another colleague of mine reported the same exact scam (because a scam was what it was, apparently) happened in her class.

I kinda hope that guy never got into law school.)

Am in a better mood today than I was Friday and Saturday, despite being a little nervous about the dental appointment this afternoon. (A big part of it is I just don't like stuff stuck in my mouth, I don't like the noises, and no, I can't take an anti-anxiety pill or similar 'cos then I'd need a driver and finding a driver would be almost more stressful to me than just white-knuckling the appointment was).

I've made my peace with the new stats class. I asked who the one student signed up for it was, turns out it's someone I know, I think they will be amenable to my idea of "give a basic introduction to the method but concentrate on papers that use it as case studies" instead of me trying to lecture for one student, that seems kind of silly. I'm going to do it seminar style and while I'll do some explaining, a lot of it will be using the stats package (provided I can learn the advanced techniques on it) and then case studies from published work. (I need to read more papers anyway. I *think* the person in question is in conservation so her interests should somewhat overlap with mine and it won't be like I'm trying to learn genetic terminology along with reviewing some stats techniques I haven't used in 20 years....

Also, I can ask her what she already knows about stats and if she needs review, we can start out with the basics like 2-sample t tests.

I found the advanced biostats book (mercifully, it's a trade-paperback) and I can take it with me over break and re-read it, hopefully. (I may need to set myself a goal of "work on this for one hour a day except maybe on Christmas Eve and Christmas"). (Too bad I can't read while getting my walks in.)

And heck, it can only look good on my performance evaluation for next year to have "Agreed to take on a class on short notice to serve a grad student." Even if I'm not perfect at it. I'll have to remember that, because I tend to get on myself for not being perfect at things.

Tonight, after the dentist, is the CWF party. It's really just a big dinner, there aren't any gifts or really much of a meeting. If I get out of the dentist early enough I'm going to try to pick up the stitches for Augusta's bands. (I also need to make a batch of cheese-grits casserole, and possibly some kind of simple snacking cake or bar cookies to take over to my department - or maybe I do those tomorrow afternoon, when I have a big open time, because the exam I give tomorrow is (saints be praised) machine-graded.

I also want to make time one of these days to clean up my Sunshine Family dolls a little (and fix their hair a little) so I can put them on display and take some photos.

1 comment:

Barn Owl said...

Officially we have to hang onto quizzes, scantrons, etc. for 5 years, but in practice it's no longer a problem because the majority of exams and quizzes are taken in Examsoft or Canvas. The exception is practical exams, and those answer sheets must be kept for 5 years, and then we're responsible for taking them to be shredded. None of that was as stressful as having patient records for chart review that was part of a human subjects research project in my lab - those had to be under double lock security in my lab, and I had medical students working on the project (of course we all had to have appropriate training on CITI). I shredded those records myself when we completed the chart review ... made me anxious!

I'd love to have the Camelino, and I think it might even be an appropriate color for a young monk or nun at one of the Buddhist monasteries (red, maroon, dark gold, brown are all fine). The address you have for me is good, and I can pay you for postage or send you something equivalent from your Amazon wishlist.