Thursday, July 04, 2013

No, no noooo!

Today started out well enough - I got the house cleaned up (well, except for the office here; I ran out of trash bags....I had been getting low.)

Then, midafternoon, I was having a small snack of nuts, and I felt a strange crunch on the side where I had a big filling in a back molar. I spat out all the nuts and checked for filling pieces - none. It felt rough but then that filling always felt rough. No pain, no cold sensitivity, so I thought I dodged a bullet.

Then, at dinner, I felt something strange. Apparently the tooth has cracked (I only felt of it once and was scared to do it again lest I make it worse). OF COURSE it is a holiday weekend. I called all three of the dentists in the practice that I go to at their emergency numbers - no one. (One even had a full voicemail box). It's not painful but I'm scared to eat or brush my teeth back there or even drink, lest the whole thing break off and I swallow it.

I called a retired dentist from my church and he was home. I asked him advice.  He didn't seem overly concerned, he said if it wasn't painful, just to wait and hope someone is in tomorrow (Goodness, I HOPE they are. Or at least one of the two I could leave a message with checks his voice mail). He said the ER wouldn't be able to do anything useful, so not to go there. (And anyway: July 4. They're gonna be too busy to see a low-priority case.)

I'm TERRIFIED. I have no idea what procedure will need to be done, no idea if I will need a root canal (and for that, would probably have to go to someone else). I'm afraid of the pain. I'm afraid of losing the tooth, even though it's a back molar. (I hope if they do have to extract it, they can do it without putting me out - who would I get to drive me?)

I haven't been able to sit still since it happened. I keep getting up and pacing, staring at the phone, worrying.

Is being on the sulfa antibiotic going to be bad? Is being on a blood pressure med going to cause a bad reaction with the Novocaine? I know, those are probably silly questions but that is where my brain goes when I'm scared. 

This has not been my week. Heck, it's not been my summer between other things that have happened. I don't know what I did to tick the Fates off but I want this to stop.

ETA: I give up. They're not going to call tonight, the best I can hope for is that the office is open tomorrow and they can fit me in. I'm going to go to bed and try to read until it's dark enough for me to sleep. 


CGHill said...

For what it's worth, I'm on antihypertensives and half a dozen other drugs, and I've never had a bad reaction to Novocaine.

Lydia said...

I broke a piece off of a tooth on Thanksgiving Day a while back. The dentist was sublimely unconcerned (which did make m freak out); he had me come in a few weeks.

He said if there was pain, then I should call and he'd get me in, but if it was just a piece off, that it wasn't urgent.

My understanding is that, since Novocaine is a local anesthetic, it isn't a problem with any medication. (Or at least that's what I've been told when I've asked about various medications I've been on over the years.)

I hope they can get you in quickly for your peace of mind. I double hope that this summer suddenly takes a sharp turn for the better.