Thursday, May 16, 2013

Great new word

Well, new to me. (And also: the reference I saw to this was purely on the "Intarwebs," so it's also possible this isn't real.)

It's a Japanese word. It is transliterated as "tsundoku." Supposedly (again: found it on the "Intarwebs," take with a grain of salt) it means the habit of buying books and letting them pile up unread on nightstands and the floor.

Uh, yeah. That pretty much describes my decorating style these days: Early Tsundoku. I am an enthusiastic buyer of books, with more enthusiasm than either reading speed or time to read for "fun."


CGHill said...

Well, if "tsundoku" is merely a meme, it's a long-lived one; I found citations from last summer.

Wiktionary considers it "informal," which suggests, to me anyway, that it's on the rise and will eventually become standard.

Joan said...

Me too. I had to buy a new bookcase especially for them all. Whenever I come across an interesting book I now add it to my Amazon wishlist. So now I have a virtual bookcase full of interesting reading material too! And if after having mulled it over for a while I decide I really must read a certain title right away, then I order it. Because chances are good that I really will get to it immediately (Donna Leon or Carol O'Connor).

Carrie#K said...

That's what my house is decorated in and also every independent bookstore ever, although I think Serendipity in Berkeley would have won. I so miss that store.