Sunday, May 19, 2013

At long last

I FINALLY finished the Rib Fantastic socks I've been working on since spring break or so.

rib fantastic

The yarn is a Pagewood Farm sock yarn, the colorway is called River Rock. I really like how it worked with the pattern. The Rib Fantastic pattern is just a good pattern for variegated sock yarn, period.

Here's a close up:

river rock

I'm glad I got these done before break; now I feel free to start new socks. I've got a couple candidates to work on (some indie-dyer yarn in a colorway called Butterbeer that I think will work for the Goldengroves socks out of the "Knitting socks with handpainted yarns" book, the Carousel yarn that I want to use for just-plain socks....) I am also going to take the current CPH along and work more on it as well.

I can't believe that tomorrow starts my break. (Such as it is: about a week)

1 comment:

Lydia said...
