Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am very happy with the new season of Mythbusters so far. Two weeks, two great "builds."

I totally want a car with golf-ball dimples now. (One of my colleagues had his pickup parked out during a hailstorm several years ago and so for a while referred to his truck - until he got the bodywork fixed - as The Dimplemobile.)

As for the other myth - well, I've never had a hangover (never put myself in the position to get one), but the symptoms of one are startlingly like the symptoms of a migraine: sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty concentrating, tendency to hurl.

Not that I think they are in any way related - a hangover is the aftereffects of poisoning yourself (trufax; that's what it is) and a migraine is (if I understand the stuff I've read on it correctly) some kind of weird vascular phenomenon.

(Actually, I wonder if anyone's looked at people's blood pressures over the course of a migraine. I wonder if they spike up at all during it - not just from the pain but from the vascular weirdness that apparently causes the headache in the first place).

And another thing they might have tested with the hangovers, but did not: sensitivity to smell. I know when I'm getting a migraine, that's actually one of the ways I know I'm getting one - my sense of smell is even more sensitive than it normally is. (Normally, I'm "Oh, that person who just stepped in my office to talk to me must be a smoker." With a migraine I'm "Oh, my gosh, that person who just WALKED BY my office reeks like a tobacco factory. Make it stop!")


I'm trying to work on one of my (many) ongoing projects (all of very fine yarn, and now I'm irritated at myself for doing that. I should have at least one worsted-weight project going on) per night.

Last night it was Thermal. Which I am also bringing with me today - I give an exam and can use it as "invigilating knitting."

Thermal, as much as I love it (and will love the finished product) grows VERY slowly. I have 5" done of the body - you divide for the fronts and backs at 14".

I've decided I want to finish at least one of the many ongoing projects (hint: it won't be Thermal) before I cast on for something new.


FINALLY the Lane Bryant bill came (uh, yeah. I signed up for a credit card when I was there; they were offering 15% off, and I pay all my cards off well within the grace period so I don't rack up interest). I was starting to get concerned, but it seems I happened to shop there at the very "beginning" of the bill-cycle.

I do worry about that when I take out a new credit card - what if there's something I misunderstood in the fine print and there's zero grace period, so I'm paying interest from the day I bought the thing (though I think that would jump out at me from the fine print). Or what if I don't get the bill on time?

I do think I need to get back down there some time and consider "foundation garments," the "BRAUMS" minus the "-UMS"* I have right now are starting to lose some of their elasticity and that is not good.

(*The local Braums - a dairy store/ice cream shop chain - well, its big pink neon sign, the UMS was burned out yesterday, so it said BRA instead. And because I'm well in touch with my inner 12 year old, it made me cackle when I saw it while driving to work.)

It's funny; I seem to becoming more girly/more clothes conscious as I get a bit older. When I was in my 20s - well, I didn't dress BADLY (well, not most of the time), but I was less concerned about my appearance. And now, as I'm at what is generally thought of as the Invisible Age, now I care.

(I'm sure part of it was that when I was in my 20s, I had an even more screwed-up body image than I do now, and I was mainly interested in doing the best I could to hide what I perceived as my unattractiveness. If it wouldn't have been too attention-getting to wear a veil, I probably would have).


Anonymous said...

This is tangential to what you've said, but I read some time in the past year, I think, about a woman who happened to be at the dr. having her blood pressure taken at the moment she had a hot flash. This was the first time anyone medical had noted that when a hot flash happens, the blood pressure spikes. Also, there was an interesting article in the NYTimes yesterday about chronic fatigue syndrome, which suddenly is said to be caused by a retrovirus:
This should be good news for those who have been dismissed as malingers.

Anonymous said...

or malingerers.

dragon knitter said...

the way it was explained to me was this: just before a migraine happens, your blood vessels constrict. a migraine happens when t hose blood vessels open all the way up (too far, in fact), and you've got TOO much oxygen in your brain. imagine t hat. i would t hink, in that case, your bloodpressure would go down. i know that my doctor told me that often blood pressure goes down when you're not feeling well (i had strep a # of years ago, and m y BP was 95/55)

Mom on Health Patrol said...

I get migraines a lot...monthly, weather changes, food-related, etc. Then I start taking the meds for it, and my blood pressure spikes (I've been unlucky enough to be in the doctor's office to check). Not sure if it's from the meds or the migraine itself. My doctor actually took me off of Imitrex (which worked great), as it's considered risky for heart patients--which I'm not--because she saw my pressure would rise. Go figure, chicken or now I'm left with less than optimal meds. Very frustrating.