I'm starting to beat the cold - I think yesterday must have been my "worst" day, I had a bad sore throat and lots of congestion. I can't take most cold medications because I tend to react badly to lots of OTC meds (I like to claim that it's because my liver is so clean and pure that when it gets some kind of funky chemical thrown at it, it goes "What the heck?" and goes into detox overdrive). So I've been relying on hot herbal tea, that zinc gluconate spray stuff (I don't know that it actually does what it claims to do - shorten a cold's duration - but it does seem to at least temporarily relieve symptoms), Cherry-Honey Ricola cough drops (the BEST cough drops that I've found), and Vick's Vapo-Rub.
At least the cold does not seem to be doing either of the bad things colds can do to me- either totally congest my sinuses and lead to a sinus infection, or move into my lungs and go to bronchitis.
Here's the second thing I finished over break. I like these even better than the socks I posted yesterday
These are the "Caledonian Mists" socks, made using the Damselfly Design's winter yarn club "January" yarn. The dyer named it "Shadowed Snows."
This one's a little out of focus because I used the long-exposure "extreme night setting" because I couldn't get the stitch pattern to show up using the flash.
This is really a neat pattern to knit up - it's very easy but not boring or frustrating. I could see doing another pair of these sometime out of a different yarn. (I wonder how they'd look out of a striping yarn).
Zowie! Those are some gorgeous socks.
Have you ever tried gargling with salt water for a sore throat? At college, they made us do that, and it did seem to help. (It's not too pleasant while it goes on, though.)
Fantastic socks! Lovely color, lovely everything!
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