I got an e-mail from one of my readers saying the blog was doing some kind of wonky thing and tripping her anti-virus software. The only changes I've made of late was to insert a little tiny script that would disable an "ad toolbar" that seems to come up on the blog if you go to it through one of those "blogrolling" systems. I object to my blog - which I write for free and would never post ads on - being used as advertising space, but apparently the "insert this code to disable ads" code doesn't work across the board, or maybe it INTENTIONALLY doesn't work...
The first thing I finished over break were the "Little Child's Socks." (It feels odd calling it that, but it's the pattern name - but the pattern has been resized to fit a woman's foot, in part, apparently, because the original pattern called for such fine yarn and tiny needles that probably no one in modern times would make it).
This is one case where Joe Coca's photography (he's the Interweave default photographer, it seems) fails a bit - the socks in the book look misshapen and sad, with tops that seem kind of stretched out. I would never have considered making them until I saw a couple other bloggers' photos of them and saw how nice they actually were.
This is not a GREAT photo (and I always think that "disembodied leg" shots look weird), but here they are:
I like this photo better:
You can kind of see the stitch patterns on those. It's just simple knit and purl, sort of a moss-stitch pattern, but it's very effective.
I used one of the Dream in Color sockyarns for this - the color is called "Cool Fire," sort of a bluish-red (as you can see from the photos).
I really like these "Vintage" sock patterns - they are simple, yet not boring. I suppose Nancy Bush chose the "best" of the socks from Weldon's, but seeing these patterns makes me want to dig up/invest in a set of the Weldon's books to see what else is there.
The blog looks ok to me (Explorer).
The socks look very nice to me, makes me want to dig my book out, too.
The blog is OK now (Safari) but when I looked at it yesterday at work (Windows XP, Explorer) it was constantly jiggling and wouldn't let me comment -- or move off the page.
I can see your feet so your blog works fine (Mozilla). Nice socks!
The blog is OK today, but yesterday, in Safari Beta, and the day before, it kept reloading, but pretty much nothing came up.
The blog is okay today in Internet Explorer. Yesterday it kept re-loading and re-loading without any text appearing. Eventually I got to the text by clicking on the refresh button a few times.
Nice socks.
I'm good with Firefox. I'll echo Lydia though, I saw the same behavior as her on Safari a couple days ago
I like the Weldon's, I think they're neat (but I geek out over old pattern books), but the reprints are now out of print (ha-ha) and can be kind of hard to get ahold of, especially 1 & 2. I got 14 used from Powell's. I think there are 20 of them in the reprint? Also I blanch at having too many enormous hardback books in case I move again, so I've started checking them out of the library (or viewing them in the reference area and photocopying)
Those are lovely socks, love the red.
it's working now! must be that plug-in. and btw, those socks look great.
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