Thursday, October 28, 2004

Oh, my. Am I tired. I only taught one class today but I feel like I've been beat with a tired stick.

I did spend most of the day working on next week's GIS class exercise. This is very time and thought-consuming. I also did a whole mess of calculations on some lab data so that I can REALLY grade the students' labs instead of flicking my eyes down them and saying "yeah, that looks reasonable, I'll give it credit."

So I'm beat. I think I'm going to go home rather than follow my plan to sort more biomass bags this afternoon. They're not going anywhere, and I can work on them tomorrow afternoon.

I find I get more tired PREPPING for classes than actually TEACHING them. Teaching revvs me up, because I have to get adrenaline going to go up in front of a classroom of people who may be bordering on apathy about the subject. (But it's really easy for me to get excited about things like the Pleasing Fungus Beetle or soil bacteria, so sometimes I can pop someone out of their apathy a little bit).

You know, Giant Microbes should branch out and do neat-named inverts. I always wanted a beanbag toy of the Pleasing Fungus Beetle (or the Handsome Fungus Beetle, another species). And I think a beanie tardigrade would be exceedingly cute. (The tardigrade site I've linked to is very fun; it's apparently written by someone in Germany but they have a good command of English - good enough to make jokes.)

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