Monday, February 03, 2003

Perhaps because I live close to Texas, and because most of the "local" channels I get are actually Dallas channels, I have heard a lot more about the Columbia explosion.

It's surreal. That's the only way to describe it. Apparently the "Amber alert" road signs (which are activated when a child goes missing) are being used to warn people about the debris and to give them the phone numbers to call if they find it. Some of the "on the scene" pictures that I've seen look like they were taken along stretches of Highway 80, which I have taken to get to Longview.
A lot of schools in East Texas are closed today so that they can be sure none of the debris wound up in the schoolyards.

They showed the "plume" that was on radar after the ship blew up. The whole thing is just strange and horrible. To think - people were in that. People who had families and friends, who were looking forward to coming home, probably planning on having a big dinner of "real" food after they touched down.

It still makes me shocked and sad to think about it. I don't really feel like talking about the sock dogs I made this weekend right now.

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