Friday, January 31, 2003

Joining the doggy party

This morning, Not Martha posted about the prevalence of sock dogs as a craft item right now. Apparently Is-Martha published instructions in her "Kids" magazine. Also, Anna has been offering them as gifts to people who help pay for the medical care her ferret, Hugo has and is requiring.

I used to make all manner of sock toys when I was a kid. I think I even once made a sock anteater. But these instructions make me want to get out my needle and thread, and go off in search of interesting socks (I always used almost-worn-out or worn-out white athletic socks for my projects when I was a kid - I would not have thought of buying NEW socks for such a thing, nor would my mom probably have bought new socks for me to use for such a thing. But now I am a grown-up, and I can run off to the mall and buy interesting socks to cut up and make into critters. I may even try to recreate my longlost sock anteater.) For me, it's all about the making - that's the fun part. A lot of my past critter projects sit on shelves, sort of neglected, now that they're done.

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