Friday, January 31, 2003

I (heart) knitting lace.

I've been working away on my mom's first pair of gift socks - Judy Sumner's "Feather and Fan" pattern from Socks^3, Wildfoote in the "Geranium" color - they are flying along. I'm up to the heel of the first one.

I forget how rapidly lace goes for me. And how cool it looks. I'm inspired to dig out my pattern libraries and design some lace socks for me. I have an idea - I won't go into more detail about it here because if it works out, it might just be hip enough to try submitting to Knitty. (well, not for the upcoming issue, poot. Maybe for the summer issue. It's a May-themed design though...)

I've also been working on the Trinity Stitch shawl in the superstitious belief that getting it done will make spring come faster.

The Friday Five!

1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why?

I didn't really have one. I guess Wonder Woman, because she was, well, a woman, and all the other superheroes were guys. And she had a good costume.

I also liked SuperGrover but I wouldn't have liked to have been like him, he was a screw-up.

I liked Underdog too.

2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?

Hmmm....I guess I'd have to say one of those big Playmobil sets. I also never seemed to have enough Lego bricks.

3. What's the furthest from home you've been?

I've been to Hawaii a couple of times - as I was living in (either) Ohio or Michigan at the times I went, that's pretty far.
I'll never again do the ten-hours-on-a-plane-in-coach if I can help it. I was ready to freak after being confined for that long.

4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet?

There are so many things. I would like to learn to spin wool, to weave with a real floor loom, to play the recorder or the violin, to speak Irish Gaelic or German, to do entrelac knitting....

5. What are your plans for the weekend?

This afternoon, I'm going to go do some necessary shopping (I have to use Clinique makeup and I'm almost out of foundation), also I think I'm going to go out for dinner. Saturday the campus environmental club I am nominally a faculty sponsor for is going hiking. Sunday is church, and I'm going to try to spend some time relaxing.

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