I'm going to edit the bookswap as books get spoken for. Four are gone so far. Again, e-mail me if you see something you want.
I picked away at things on my day off yesterday, didn't do much of any one thing. Outlined a research proposal. Quilted some on the quilt (it's moving faster). Got through most of "chart 1" on the Huron Mountain socks. I also did the backroom clearing-up and began some stacking of fabrics on the cleared-out shelves. Right now, I'm stacking by "project" - fabrics that have a destiny to be a particular quilt. I find I have four or five quilts in the planning stage.
I also went outside - it was a warmer day than it had been in a while - and looked at my garden. I saw a few daffodil leaves poking up. Then I kicked aside some more dead leaves. Then I dropped down on my hands and knees, and shoveling leaves back behind me with my hands (think of how a dog digs), began looking harder. There are lots more daffodils, also the veriest beginnings of tulip leaves and even hyacinths.
I think the back of winter has been broken, at least here. Then, whistling some old Charles Trenet tune, I went out to my backyard and dug up another 6 square feet of sod - which will now become garden.
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