Monday, January 20, 2003

So, I started doing some back-room-reorganization and book sorting. I found a number of books that I either (a) have read once and don't need to keep to read again (b) bought really cheaply used but have decided I won't read or (c) to my embarrassment, I find I have duplicates of.

So I am going to offer them either free or as swap to you, my loyal blog-readers (if there still are any loyal blog-readers of my blog).

Here are the rules: if you want one of more of the books, e-mail me. Link is on the left, remove the NOSPAM letters.
The books I have starred (*) are ones that I bought new and are either hardcover or trade paper and so were more expensive. I would like something in return for these books - it can be a fat quarter or two of quilting fabric, or something you made, or something that is a typical product/souvenir of where you creative. Make me an offer.

If you want more than two of the mass-market paperbacks, I'd prefer being offered something in return (if you just want one and don't mind waiting for slow-post, I don't need a swap).

If the book is going "overseas" (relative to the US), I'd prefer a swap for the greater effort/cost in mailing.

I reserve the right to send these "bound printed matter" which is the cheapest but potentially slowest mode of shipping. If one of these turns out to be a book you need for a class and want it right now, let me know and we can negotiate.

Remember, starred books = nicer condition. None of the unstarred books are missing pages but they may have spine wear, etc.

Mystery novels:
P.D. James: Unnatural Causes
Cecile Lamalle: Prepared for Murder

Alan Bennett: The Clothes they Stood Up in* (hardback)
P.G. Wodehouse: Big Money

Brian Jacques: Mattimeo
J.R.R. Tolkein: The Hobbit (I now have a spiffy hardcover and so am giving away my somewhat worn paperback)
Philip Pullman: The Golden Compass
Marion Zimmer Bradley: The Mists of Avalon* (get me quick on this one before I decide I actually need to keep it...)

Belva Plain: Whispers
Billie Letts: Where the Heart Is*
Barbara Kingsolver: The Bean Trees
Arthur Hailey: Hotel
E. Lynn Harris: Not a Day Goes By

Jon Krakauer: Into Thin Air
Maya Angelou: Gather Together in my Name
Sam'l Johnson: Selected Writings
Kendall Hailey: The Day I Became an Autodidact
Xavier Amador and Judith Kiersky: Being Single in a Couple's World* (warning: more aimed at "how to get a mate" than "how to live single")

So, if you want any of these, let me know. If there are unwanted books after, say, another week, I may look into the Bookcrossing thing and see if I can find places to "release" them.

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