Friday, November 15, 2019

today's dumb meme

I started teaching "the central dogma" of DNA (essentially: how proteins get made) and I was talking about some of the things involved and because this is the intro class, sometimes you have to repeat a bit more, and I found myself explaining RNA polymerase as "the thing that polymerizes RNA" and my stupid goblin brain, that can't even remember if I entered grades from an exam I gave two days before blipped to this meme from like ten years ago:

So of course when I got back to my office I had to do this for my own (and hopefully, some of your) amusement:

I also ALMOST made an Arnold Schwarzenegger joke about the "terminator" region, except I've never really seen the movies, so I was afraid of getting it wrong.

(And yes, that literally is an artist's depiction of an RNA polymerase)

(And later on there is the reference to the TATA Box, which is the most-designed-to-make-anyone-with-an-inner-12-year-old-giggle biology term ever)

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