Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ready, but not

I have everything packed, all that remains is to stick a couple bottles of water in my carry on and gather up the in-progress project and put it in. I have my ticket, the list is checked off as far as it can be.

But I'm also not ready. Two of the people who will be coming are difficult people and I've been warned in recent years (because of various things that have happened) one has become even more difficult.

Also, several of my relatives have apparently not made hotel reservations yet. During Thanksgiving week. I refuse to give up my bed - even to relatives some 25 years older than I am - simply because someone failed to plan. I know my mom told people no one other than my brother's family and I could stay over at her house, but I hope there won't be pressure applied if the choice hotels are full up.

(Seriously, who DOES that? I know that when I travel I plan it like the Normandy Invasion was planned and I have backups and documentation for EVERYTHING. Especially when it's not just a "la la la, going on a road trip for fun" vacation and is an "I must be HERE at THIS SPECIFIC TIME and not in rumpled nasty clothing either" trip)

Granted, all of that will be for one, or at most, two, days of the trip, but still. (I am ASSUMING they are only coming in for my dad's memorial service. I hope no one is going to do the "surprise, we're going to stay for Thanksgiving, too" thing because I know for a fact my mom has planned food for five people - one of them a fairly picky small child - and there WON'T BE ENOUGH. She is doing a turkey breast instead of a whole turkey, for goodness's sake)

Ah well, whatever.

And I have to go and get the lab ready. Someone needs to complete their independent project TODAY and they told me about this literally at 2 pm YESTERDAY after I spent the past five class meetings being a broken record about "I am leaving early for family reasons and I have to leave at noon on Thursday" but of course.

So yeah. Still in a really cranky and unhappy mood about just everything. I'll have to suck it up once I get to Illinois though.

(There will be no embargoed posts. I had no time and no motivation to write any. If I CAN I might post a couple quick things from my phone but otherwise it might not be until I get back on the 30th)

I can tell I'm on edge because EVERYTHING is bothering me

1 comment:

jodel said...

Safe travels.