Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Maybe I make

Redacting this, sorry.

I feel like I should be doing "better" after my father's death by now but I'm not.

I think I am just emotionally concussed by everything. I've never had an actual concussion but based on friends' experiences, this feels very much like it.

 - I can't focus for very long on anything; reading is even hard some times
 - I cry randomly or get angry at things I should not get angry at
 - I am super clumsy - that's why I dropped the tin of tea today
 - I'm tired all the time and even stuff that normally I could deal with easily enough seems like a giant effort. I think that's why I'm so upset over the assessment stuff; it's something new and difficult and I know I'm being depended on to do it RIGHT and so many things I've tried recently I've messed up.

I am telling myself if I fail at stuff, even though it will hurt mightily - because I am not the kind of person who fails and I HATE failing at stuff - maybe it will be necessary. Maybe the only way the people around me SEE how much I am struggling is if I just mess something up monumentally.

I am not sure if "trying and failing" is better or worse than "just not showing up." I'll have to figure that out.

And I am so LONELY. I wish I had a nearby friend to take me out to lunch some day or to go shopping with me. The other night I was even thinking "how bad a disaster could online dating be, really?" though I also know the very particular ways in which I am "weird" are not the ways that online dating caters to the "weird." And I'd be miserable doing it. And I can't deal with headgames right now anyway.

I just feel right now like I have a lot of holes in my life, and I don't know how to fill them. Maybe they just stay empty for a while? But that hurts.

Things will get better. I keep telling myself that. They are not getting better nearly as fast as I would like, though, and that's frustrating me mightily.

Edited to add: yes, I did get pizza, but I was delayed getting there and it sat under a heat lamp for a while so it wasn't as good as it normally is.


Well, one small thing, I guess: I just got called and asked to serve on a search committee for a new minister. I respectfully said no (I cannot take on yet another thing now; what I need is fewer things I already am doing). But what that tells me is that we're not folding up just yet; they're going to try for a new minister.

Whether or not they find one is another matter, I suppose. but at least it will be a few months before I have to think about that.

I'm still not looking for the meeting tomorrow night.


Roger Owen Green said...

EAT PIZZA when you need to eat pizza

Diann Lippman said...

This may reassure you - I hope it does.

Stress does strange things to you, and grief causes stress. I've been stressed lately with a 3300 mile move while working full-time, and your symptoms are my symptoms. I don't have grief or sadness too, but I haven't been able to concentrate, or find joy, or not be a clumsy person. I freaking fell down my basement stairs one night because I forgot we had stairs - I've never lived with them before.

Things are getting better - after about 6 months I was finally able to sit down and finish a sock started in January. No one will ever call me grace, but I know and remember about the stairs. I feel like me.

I hope you can soon feel like yourself again. It will happen. Know that many of your "imaginary friends" are sending good vibes your way and that we love you.