Saturday, July 27, 2019

one more thought

I think I'm going to keep as my motto/mantra something I said to Dana last night:

"I am not okay right now, but eventually I will be okay."

I've survived an awful lot in my life thus far - the deaths of three grandparents (my maternal grandfather died when I was a baby), deaths of a couple of aunts and of cousins, deaths of numerous friends. Some health concerns of my own. Previous health concerns about my dad and my mom. Surviving the budget cuts of 2016.

I know I will survive this. It sucks, but I'll come out the other end of it okay. The only way out is through.

I am all packed. In the end I sealed up the bottle of eye wash I have (the only thing that helps when my eyes get puffy and hurt) and stowed it in my carry on; hopefully it does not leak or if it does, that it's contained by the bag.

I need to eat something and set the timer on my lamp and in two hours or a bit less (to give myself some extra time for construction or whatever) I leave.

I really wish this were a fun vacation to go see family, but you can't always get what you want.

I will catch you all later. All your support and prayers have helped.


jodel said...

Safe travels.

anita said...

Traveling mercies, my friend.