Thursday, November 15, 2018

It's eeriliy accurate

My friend Bee posted this (apparently created by someone with a protected account? So it's hard to attribute) on Twitter, and it made me laugh, because it fits for the three crafts here I do:

Yes, I am primarily a knitter, and yes to anxiety and the overwhelming desire for validation. But I also crochet, and I can see some of the "free spirit" there but also - yes, the love of slightly tacky things. And "Stabby Machine" - "Don't worry, I'll fix it" has been one of my taglines in the past and maybe I've been a little TOO "I'll fix it" of late and tried to fix things that aren't my responsibility or are beyond my powers...

Cross-stitch: I have never been able to do counted cross-stitch; I get off-count, I curse a little, I have to rip out, and then the canvas looks like heck. So I guess I won't be the vodka aunt. 

(I would like to learn to spin, and yes, it would be nice if learning that would chill me out a little and make me more fairy-or-wise-woman-like.)

Dyeing is a little messier than what I'd want to fool with, and felting - too accident-prone given how stabby that little needle is. (I worry about my sewing machine and have visions of putting the needle through my finger in a moment of inattention).

Weaving - yes, I would like to learn that but it also requires space for a loom if you're gonna go big with it (which is the only way I'd really want to take it up).

Lacemaking is cool but probably not for me.

1 comment:

Barn Owl said...

Heh! I'm primarily a knitter as well, but the description that fits me best is probably the one for "weave" (a craft that I haven't tried yet). I also crochet (that one doesn't fit), do cross stitch (not much of a vodka aunt though), and spin - which does fit pretty well, if Discworld-type witches count, or perhaps Tolkien Elves rather than fairies. I think spinning - whether on a wheel or with drop spindles - has helped me cope with job-related stress.