Thursday, June 16, 2016

oh it's hot

We're under a heat advisory. Well, some counties to the north of us have a heat WARNING which is worse.

It's very humid, that's much of it. Dewpoints in the 70s which is getting in the "downright painful" range. (And my hives are back, apparently my body really dislikes humidity).

Anyway. The local weather guy is sometimes prone to use kind of odd syntax for things, and this morning he commented 'The heat and humidity will work over your body a bit" and of course the phrase "work over" makes me think of a cartoon mobster going "hand over da money or else!" while his goons punch someone.

Or something like this

Though it looks there like Bart is complying.

Maybe more like this:

or like this:

So I don't know. I was thinking of going to Sherman for some shopping either tomorrow or Saturday but I have a horror of my car overheating (it never has, and the fluids are all up to date, but still I worry) so I don't know if I will. It's kind of a trapped feeling.

(Which is also enhanced by the fact that of the three bridges across the Red that allow me to get to Texas, one has a lot of construction close to it and traffic is super slow, another had *chunks fall out of the bridge deck last summer* and may actually be closed, and the third would put be about 30 miles east of where I actually want to be. So my feeling of cabin fever is starting extra early this year.

And before you ask, no: there is no good grocery shopping near me that doesn't involve driving to Texas. I searched Google Maps for grocery stores and it would take driving to McAlester or practically to OKC to find something better than a small place or a wal-mart.

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